Three Parts, One Vision

Envision a Canada where connection triumphs over division, where the light of truth outshines the shadows of disinformation, and where unity dissolves the barriers of divisive rhetoric.

Group Project Initiatives (GPI) is more than a media platform; it is the heartbeat of a movement dedicated to fostering an inclusive, brighter future. This vision encompasses the collaborative spirit of the Social Good Collective and the transformative storytelling of OCP Media, working in unison to reshape our national narrative.

Your support transcends conventional contributions. It's an investment in a collective vision, a commitment to amplifying essential voices, and a stand for a Canada defined by understanding and unity. Whether you're engaging with our media, participating in our community programs, or simply sharing our message, your involvement is pivotal.

Every individual action, no matter its size, has the potential to ignite substantial change. Together, let's co-create a Canada that reflects our shared values of inclusivity and empowerment. Your journey with us is not just a gesture of support; it's a step towards a more connected, informed, and unified society. Join us in this transformative journey, one step, one voice, one community at a time.

Systems and structures dominate, But as human beings we have choices, As individuals those choices are limited, But collectively our choices add up to a force.

- Fahd Ahmed, Desis Rising Up and Moving

What’s In A Name?

We are Group Project Initiatives, formerly On Canada Project Inc. learn more here.

Longterm Vision of GPI                                     
                                                                         Is in pursuit of our collective liberation.
  • Establishing a New Paradigm in Canadian Media: Positioning GPI via On Canada Project as a trailblazer in Canadian media, focusing on issues often overlooked by traditional outlets. This includes championing the narratives of marginalized and racialized communities, and redefining Canadian issues to reflect the nation's rich diversity.

  • Cultivating a Culture of Collectivism and Third-Culture Integration: Promoting a societal shift towards collectivism, where diverse communities come together to support each other. This involves creating spaces for third-culture individuals to share their experiences, thus fostering a deeper understanding and appreciation of Canada's multicultural identity.

  • Empowering Community Action and Solidarity: Driving societal change by empowering individuals and communities to act with love, solidarity, and informed understanding. GPI aims to be a catalyst for action, encouraging people to actively participate in societal change and support causes that align with the values of inclusivity and equity.

  • Infusing Culture and Joy in Activism: Celebrating arts, culture, and the joy of community as integral parts of activism. GPI aspires to create spaces where culture and activism intersect, making the pursuit of social good a fulfilling and enriching experience for all involved.

  • Building Collaborative Networks for Systemic Change: Establishing robust partnerships with other organizations, activists, and artists to create a collective approach to addressing systemic issues. By leveraging these networks, GPI seeks to amplify its impact and engage in initiatives that bring about real, sustainable change.

  • Influencing Policy and Societal Norms: Aiming to have a tangible impact on public policy and societal attitudes towards diversity, equity, and inclusion. Through its unique blend of edu-media and community activism, GPI seeks to influence decision-makers and contribute to policy changes that reflect the values and issues it advocates for.

  • Sustaining a Movement for Social Good: Developing a sustainable model that not only addresses current societal challenges but also lays the groundwork for long-term, continuous engagement in social good initiatives. This includes finding innovative financial models to support community-led projects and ensuring the long-term viability of the organization.

              WE ARE  YOUR

SOCIAL                GOOD
