Group Project Initiatives

At the heart of Group Project Initiatives lies a collective calling: to transform our society’s culture of apathy and overwhelm into a culture of care.

By creating ways that help invite and inform, educate and empower, and rest and recharge, we believe we will nurture a culture of carefor ourselves, our community and our shared futures.

We know that the pursuit of a more just and fair world will not be solved in a silo. We need third spaces, away from work and home, that foster opportunities for intergenerational, interdisciplinary and intersectional conversations, learnings, ideas and problem-solving.

We know that the world’s problems will not be solved by a single person but by a collective force. Ours is a group project, and we must work together on the assignment of our lifetimes.

At Group Project Initiatives we aim to create delicious invitations into third spaces that are grounded in community and foster an environment where engagement flourishes, empathy prevails, and every individual feels empowered to do their part of our collective assignment, in a pragmatic pursuit of our personal and collective liberations.

Group Project Initiatives

  • On Canada Project (OCP) Media

    Independent Edu-Media & Resource Hub

    This flagship division is all about making waves in the media landscape. OCP Media is not just about reporting news; it's about storytelling that champions the untold, the overlooked, and the downright real. It's where culture, politics, and news intersect, providing a platform for voices that echo the diversity and complexity of Canada. OCP Media is an award-winning division of OCP Inc.

    Impact: By spotlighting narratives that challenge the norm, OCP Media isn't just part of the conversation; it's driving it, redefining what media looks and sounds like in today's world.

  • Social Good Collective

    Community Hub

    The Social Good Collective acts as a dynamic community resource hub, bridging the gap between individuals seeking to make a difference and the broader world of social activism. It's a space for connection, learning, and empowerment centered around discussion, compassion, and understanding.

    Impact: The Collective amplifies essential causes, facilitates knowledge exchange between new and seasoned activists, and nurtures a community equipped to contribute effectively to social change, ensuring inclusivity and diversity in social activism.

  • Good Trouble Studios

    Consulting Arm

    Good Trouble Studios serves as the strategic arm of OCP Inc., specializing in communication and community engagement impact consulting. It's where ideas transform into impactful actions, guiding organizations in making a tangible difference in society.

    Impact: Through innovative consulting and community-building strategies, Good Trouble Studios empowers organizations to effectively engage with social issues, thereby enhancing their social impact and fostering a culture of proactive, positive change.

our values

Future Ancestors.

We are the product of our ancestors and future ancestors ourselves. We have a responsibility to leave the world better than we found it and to act in a way that honours our ancestors and our future descendants.

Action-Oriented Collaboration. 

We're about making things happen. Action-Oriented Collaboration means we don't just talk; we act. This value fuels our drive to work together effectively, turning ideas into impactful realities that benefit our communities.


IDEAS is our compass. It guides us to foster Inclusion at every level, embrace Diversity in all its richness, ensure Equity in our actions, provide Access to empower all, and tirelessly work for Social Justice. This value is the heart of our mission, driving us to create meaningful, inclusive change in our communities.


We embody boldness in every endeavour. We are not afraid to challenge the status quo, speak truth to power, or take risks for the greater good. Our bold approach is about being fearless in our pursuit of justice and change.

Dynamic Innovation.

We reject the phrase "that's how it’s always been done," embracing instead a culture where fresh ideas and boundary-pushing approaches are the norms. Our ethos is about silo-breaking and robust community building, where progress is not just a goal, but a continuous journey.

We thrive on adaptability, creativity, and the courage to redefine the path of social enterprise, ensuring that every step we take is in sync with the evolving needs of our community and the world at large.

Pleasure as Power

We recognize the radical act of embracing joy and self-care as essential to our empowerment and resilience. This value drives us to intertwine pleasure with activism, affirming that personal fulfillment is a vital component of collective strength and societal change.


We believe in the power of collective action and shared purpose. Our approach is rooted in the idea that together, we can achieve more than we can alone.

Empathetic Engagement.

We work to connect deeply, understanding others' perspectives, and responding with sensitivity and insight. This value shapes how we interact, ensuring that our engagements are thoughtful, meaningful, and resonant.


This value is grounded in the teachings of our ancestral ways of knowing and being. Seva is the selfless commitment to serving others. This value drives us to put the community's needs above our own, fostering a culture of empathy, support, and unwavering dedication to societal betterment.

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